Annemiek Schwieters: As initiator and chair, she is responsible for the concept development of the foundation. She previously obtained her Master of Real Estate (TU Eindhoven) and studied philosophy (RU Nijmegen). She recently took the food forest course with Wouter van Eck.
She is currently active in the field of sustainable and societal projects, including the Food of Wood Foundation.
Toon Möller: Initiator and secretary of the foundation.
Toon is a former assistant professor of philosophy of culture and author.
Henk Nijman: Forest and Nature Manager, land affairs consultant. During his stewardship Henk became aware of the extra possibilities to increase the financial situation of clients by making more use of the possibilities offered by forests.
Willem de Feijter: Tree expert. He studied at the High Forestry School Larenstein and works with his company de Stadsbos and took the food forest course with Wouter van Eck last year behind for various Dutch municipalities. Willem is a specialist in urban forestry and, as a creative entrepreneur, calls himself a green urbanist. Because in addition to a passion for nature and trees, he has a great interest in urban development and innovation.
He now has more than 15 years of work experience in the field of urban forestry as a project manager and consultant at the municipalities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, among others.
Kevin Peters: Initiator of exploitation of Het Groninger Voedselbos (Groninger Food Forest) and the cooperation platform Bureau Kevin studied political science and won – by putting volunteer organisation Buurtbuik on the map – the Making a Difference Battle prize in 2018.
He recently followed the food forest year course of food forest pioneer Wouter van Eck. Kevin aims to link food forest activities to social projects in the future where socially and economically disadvantaged citizens are the target group.