
The Food of Wood Foundation supports the new vegetable, fruit and nut growing sector. Thanks to our broad partnership, Foodwood has financial resources to participate in food forest projects. We strive for a food supply that is no longer dependent on the commercial whims of the profit economy and its politically erratic powers.

While farmers and their relations are busy achieving sustainable innovation and getting the qualitative turnaround on their feet, production systems and articles of law remain in a bypassed situation, slowing down adequate local market forces. Just as an increasing consumer group is emphasising that good food is almost more than our basic necessity of life , a progressive country should be protected from agricultural crises. For this reason alone, the Food of Woods Foundation will be committed to the development and implementation of a true, sustainable way of agriculture .

Food of Woods was founded to support these new grower sectors. The partnership and related organisations have financial resources to participate in food forest projects during a start-up phase of a maximum of five years. Practical financing processes are established, of course in consultation with the parties.
Owners and administrators were brought into contact with financiers and with customers such as the wholesale, catering and retailer branches. Socially oriented projects are being set up. From here, practical working relationships are stimulated and set in motion.

It is the intention that the project in question will be successful and bear fruit after this initial phase.