Goed eten, philosophy of food and agriculture
Michiel Korthals, 2018, ISBN 9789460043703
Food is one of the most important things in our life. But what exactly are we putting in our mouths? And is it not the case that exploitation, extreme overweight, malnutrition, hunger and great environmental damage are some of the consequences of our way of consumption? This could be done differently, but the question is: how? In Goed eten. Filosofie van voeding en landbouw (Eating well – Philosophy of Food and Agriculture) Michiel Korthals addresses these questions and develops a model to bridge the gap between production and consumption. Direct connections between food and daily life, the preference for regional relationships over the world market, the promotion of food skills and a fairer distribution of attention to dietary styles are central to this. Eating well is about what role consumers, governments.
SHINRIN YOKU, forest bathing
By Dr. Qing Li, 2018, ISBN 9789400509849
Dr. Qing Li, the international expert in the field of forest medicine, shows that by spending time between trees and plants (and that can also be done by taking more houseplants into your home or spraying essential oils) you can lower your blood pressure, can relieve stress, get more energy and strengthen your immune system. In this book, he shows how to get the most out of this nature therapy, with anecdotes about the tremendous power of trees and practical directions for trying shinrin-yoku for yourself.
Het Voedselbos, vier seizoenen ketelbroek
Mac van Dinther, 2020, ISBN 978 90 5759 432 8
The world is in dire need of alternatives to conventional agriculture. Food forests produce food by cooperating with nature, rather than opposing it. Volkskrant journalist Mac van Dinther – as a pioneer – spent a year walking around the Ketelbroek food forest in Groesbeek to talk, watch and taste. He reported on this in a four-part series of articles in the Volkskrant: Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. These reports have now been bundled, supplemented with a preface, epilogue, recipes, plant frames and beautiful photos by Henk Wildschut.
Praktisch handboek voedselbossen
Martin Crawford, 2018, ISBN 978 90 77463 352
In the Practical Handbook of Food Forests you can read everything you need to know about the re-use of your backyard or the design of a larger plot. With advice on planning, design (applied permaculture principles), planting and maintenance. More than 450 suitable crops are also discussed for the various growth layers – almost all edible and a vital enrichment of the menu with many unknown flavours.