Children first. Our desire for good food is steadily freeing itself from the hands of commercial despots and wholesale distributors. The alarm clock seems to have brought us back to order. ‘The turning point is here’! ….
Children will show a more balanced behaviour when they act more often. En stop in the vicinity of greenery for a long time. Over the somewhat longer period of time, their overall behaviour is even improving. This in fact also applies to adults who have been rather on their own. They feel comfortable with a reconnection with the greenery and the connection with the treasures of the new experience of nature. Their social life will also show growth.
Their welfare progress naturally leads to wellbeing for all of us.
Indeed, it is time to take our responsibility, to consider the food chain and to reflect on an ecological environment.
Isn’t it high time we embraced Mother Nature? And perhaps more warm-heartedly than we have done before. The food chain gives us so much of what is healthy, juicy and delicious. For that reason alone, shouldn’t we be aware that our children’s children will soon have a healthy appetite …? The ecological environment…, we cannot ignore it.